Tattoo Removal

(206) 281-7163 ext 15

Do you have a tattoo that’s lost its appeal or its relevance in your life? If it’s time to remove that tattoo, we can help. We can also lighten (partially remove) a tattoo so that it can be covered.

We now offer Laser Tattoo Removal – in comfort – using the EVO Q-Plus C Laser

We know that Laser Tattoo Removal can be painful. We have elected to offer tattoo removal used injected numbing medication and/or Nitrous Oxide to make your experience easier and more comfortable. (Nitrous Oxide changes your perception of the experience. People report that they are aware of what’s going on – but they don’t seem to care as much. While effective, our formulation is light enough that you will be able to drive home moments after your treatment.) We can use both injected anesthetics AND Nitrous Oxide if needed, for a modest fee.

How does the EVO Q-Plus C Laser work to remove a tattoo?

A tattoo consists of large particles of ink deposited under the skin. When laser energy is applied to the tattoo, it fragments the ink into smaller particles. White blood cells are then able to gobble up these smaller particles, allowing them to be eliminated by the body’s immune system over time.

How many treatments does it take to remove a tattoo?

Tattoos are intended to be permanent, and it takes a number of treatments to remove them. Here are some of the factors that impact tattoo removal, and therefore, the number of treatments required:

  • Type of ink used – professional tattoo inks tend to be easier to clear than “do-it-yourself” inks. Be aware that there is no formal regulation of tattoo inks, and we often do not know what’s in them. 
  • Color of ink – black is the easiest to remove; other colors take longer.
  • Size of tattoo
  • Location of tattoo – tattoos on the legs/feet will take longer to remove than those on the trunk, back, abdomen, or arms.
  • Personal health habits – smoking and alcohol use will slow the tattoo removal process.
  • Overall state of health – if your immune system is healthy, tattoos will be cleared faster than if you have poor circulation or a less robust immune system. Chronic illness such as diabetes tend to slow tattoo clearing.

      Contact us to schedule a tattoo removal consultation at (206) 281-7163 ext 15. We can get started with treatment on the day of your consultation. Cost will be determined by tattoo size; single treatment or package prices are available.

QA Medical & Transformative Aesthetics