IPL (Photo Facial)

(206) 281-7163 ext 15

IPL stands for “intense pulsed light.” Sometimes it is called the “photo facial.” Like laser, IPL is a treatment for hair removal and skin rejuvenation using light. However, laser is light of a single wavelength; IPL uses a spectrum of light.

We say that IPL or the photo facial “lightens, tightens, and brightens” the skin.

IPL is used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including dark spots, unwanted freckles, and fine lines and wrinkles. We use it to remove vascular markings (telangiectasias) and red spots as part of skin rejuvenation. 

It can also be helpful as part of an acne treatment program.

For skin rejuvenation or acne, IPL can be used alone – or it can be added to a package of other treatments such as microneedling. Like many techniques, IPL is not a “one and done” treatment. It is superb when used in regular maintenance.

Contact us at 206-281-7163 ext 15 for further information and to schedule a consultation.

QA Medical & Transformative Aesthetics